Paul Fayard
Paul Fayard made his first static line jump in 1966 at the age of 21 at a small airport in Rising Sun, Indiana. He worked with Jim West (Greene County Sport Parachute Club), for seven years before opening his own Franklin County Sports Parachute Center/Carolina Sky Sports in Louisburg, NC. Fayard Enterprises, LLC, was established in 1973 becoming a major provider of leased skydiving aircraft throughout the world, as well as, providing maintenance for other drop zone’s aircraft. From 2003 to 2007, Paul owned and operated Lake Wales/Phoenix DZ during which time, it hosted the 2003 Nationals.
Paul has over 6,000 skydives which include USPA ratings for Jumpmaster, Instructor, Tandem Master and Tandem Examiner. He competed nationally in accuracy and 4-way Relative Work 1969-1977, was a member of the TRANSPO 72 team at Dulles Airport in 1972, was a member of the 1973 US 4-Way Relative Championship team and the 1973 World 4-Way Relative Work Championship team. In the early years of PIA, Paul served as Chair of the PIA Drop Zone Committee for 5 years. With over 33,000 logged hours, Paul holds SEL, MEL, Commercial pilot licenses with DC3 and CASA 212 ratings. He is FAA A&P and IR rated for aircraft maintenance.
In 2003, Fayard Enterprises provided aircraft support with Paul orchestrating the 100 jumper’s skydiving exhibition which represented all disciplines of the sport at the 100 Years Celebration of Flight at Kitty Hawk, NC. In 2007, Fayard Enterprises provided aircraft support for the 100-way Canopy Formation World Record completed at Lake Wales, FL.
In 2021, Paul was inducted as an Honorary Golden Knight which recognized his close relationship in providing aircraft for their training.
Paul serves on the Executive Committee and is Chair of the Development Committee.