We are delighted to honor the many remarkable members of our worldwide family, as well as life-changing entities and unforgettable events, that our generous donors choose to celebrate with a donation to the International Skydiving Museum & Hall of Fame. Thank you!
Year | Donor |
2025 | Barbara Roquemore In Honor of Kim Knor and Muriel Simbro |
2025 | Allen Silver In Honor of The California Parachute Club |
2024 | Larry Stafford In honor of Arizona Sky Divers of 1964 |
2024 | Pat Thomas In honor of Peter J. Lutz |
2023 | Albert Berchtold In honor of Peter J. Lutz |
2023 | Anonymous In honor of Peter J. Lutz |
2023 | Becky Livingstone Davies In Honor of Curt Curtis' 80th Birthday |
2023 | Ben Currin In honor of and in memory of Joe Kittinger |
2023 | Paul & Nancy Fayard In Honor of and In Memory of SGM(R) Michael A. Eitniear |
2022 | Abdulrahman Baothman In honor of Omar Alhegelan |
2022 | Arnold Collenteur In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2022 | Barbara Roquemore In Honor of freefall photographers: Chip Maury, Louie Melendez, Gary Patmore and In Memory of Carl Boenish |
2022 | Barbara Roquemore In honor of Loretta Breise, Patricia "Pat" Schwabe, Linda Pagett, Vikki Herst Brooks and In memory of Patricia "Pat" Meredith |
2022 | Curt Curtis In Honor of & In Memory of Joe Kittinger |
2022 | Curt Curtis In memory of and in honor of Kirk Knight |
2022 | Curt Curtis In honor of and in memory of Cindi Bagley |
2022 | David Quinn In honor of truck Sams |
2022 | Eddy Chavez In Honor of Stephanie Baptiste |
2022 | John Happick In Honor of SDC Rhythm XP |
2022 | Larry Stafford In honor of Norman Heaton |
2022 | Lloyd Flint In honor of Travis Flint |
2022 | Luana Langlois In honor of Rick Thues |
2022 | Ron Williams In honor of Rick Thues |
2022 | Ross and Jenny Stockings In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Andreas Knabe In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Ann Oliver In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Barbara Lee Smith In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Barbara Roquemore In honor of Bev T. Galloway |
2021 | Bill & Lee Hess In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Carlotta Rotman In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Charlie & Karyn Markin In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Cheryl Whitford In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Cliff Davis In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Craig Brenner In Honor of Donald Dilworth, MD |
2021 | Curt Curtis In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Dan and Diane O’Sullivan In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Darrell and Margaret May In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Deborah Medina In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Diana Kruchten In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Geoffrey Fox In Honor of Stephanie Baptiste |
2021 | Jack Adkins In memory of Larry Bagley & in honor of Pat Moorehead (Team 90) |
2021 | Jack Adkins In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | James Coleman In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Jerry Stark In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Jo-Ellen Wilson In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | John Benoit In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | John Marx In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | June Urschel In Honor of Pat Thomas |
2021 | Larry Moulton In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Leonard Zak In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Linda Collison In Honor of Jan & Pat Works as influential authors and publishers of sport skydiving philosophy, technique, and culture |
2021 | Majda Jones In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Michael Moorby In Honor of Stephanie Baptiste |
2021 | Michael Wells In Honor of Truck Sams |
2021 | Randy and Lucy West In Honor of Larry Stein |
2021 | Robert Cassella In Honor of Mark Baur D6108 |
2021 | Robert Mehring In memory of Betty/In honor of Bob |
2021 | Russ Manhold In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Sandra Mae Drahman In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Sharron Fielding In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Stephanie Baptiste In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Susan McKenzie In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Terrence McGrath In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Timothy Moorehead In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Vikki Herst Brooks In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2021 | Wayne and Karen Brown In Honor of Pat Moorehead's 90th Birthday |
2020 | Barbara Roquemore In honor of Jim Rinder |
2020 | Bob Church In Honor of Mike Marcon |
2019 | Alan Eustace |
2019 | Alan Eustace In honor of Daniel "Blikkies" Blignaut, Bill Booth, Mark Procos and United Parachute Technologies |
2019 | Barbara Roquemore In honor of jump pilots, parachuting competition judges, US parachute team coaches |
2019 | Barbara Rqquemore In honor of jump pilots, parachuting competition judges, US parachute team coaches |
2019 | Barbara Rqquemore In honor of jump pilots, parachuting competition judges, US parachute team coaches |
2019 | David & Deanna Plank In memory of Coy McDonald Jr. & In honor of Coy McDonald III and Family |
2018 | Barbara Roquemore In honor of Suzie Joerns |
2018 | Barbara Roquemore In honor of Daryl Henry |
2018 | Barbara Roquemore In honor of Jay Stokes |
2018 | Colonel Burton In Honor of Sandy Reid |
2018 | Dean Burchill In Honor of Bob Grigsby |
2018 | Dick Myron Celebration Event/In honor of Daryl Henry |
2018 | Donna Wardean-Dann In honor of the Arvin Good Guys |
2018 | Leslie Burton In memory of Steve Snyder and in honor of Dick Morgan |
2018 | Nate & Jill Pond Celebration Event/In honor of Daryl Henry |
2018 | Ron Zais In memory/honor of Tommy Bartlett & all the TB Show Skydivers |
2018 | Ron Zais In honor of Mary Bauer |
2018 | Ron Zais In honor of Robert W. Stumm |
2017 | Jo Timmsen In honor of all the good times at Pope Valley |
2016 | Coy McDonald In honor of Delia McDonald |
2016 | Donald Sluter In honor of "The Enforcer" Doug Garr |
2016 | Larry & Cindi Bagley In Honor of Paul & Mary Thompson |
2016 | Nate & Jill Pond Celebration Event in honor of Dick Fortenberry/Bill Morrissey; in memory of Gary Pond/Condon McDonough/Judd Raymond/Joan Guilfoyle/Jacky Sanborn/Neva deWolf |
2015 | Bally Ribbon Mills Celebration Event/In honor of Brenda Reid |
2015 | Bob Lewis In honor of Lew Sanborn |
2015 | Charles (Chip) Esposito Suzanne Poppenhager Celebration Event/In honor of Pop Poppenhager |
2015 | Dana Engelstad In honor of Mark Limond - 2014 Celebration Weekend Golden Knights Golf Tournament Putting Contest Winner |
2015 | Jacques-Andre & Felicia Istel Celebration Event in memory of Gary Pond/Ted Strong/Bill Mehr/Vic Valli/In honor of Lee Guilfoyle |
2015 | Landon K. Thorne Celebration Event/In honor of Pop Poppenhager |
2015 | Larry Stein Silver Level - In Honor of Eagles Over Oshkosh |
2015 | Lee & Carol Schlichtemeier In Honor of Slavo Mulik |
2015 | Philip Bursley In honor of the Pelican Skydivers |
2014 | Al King Celebration Event/In honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2014 | Bob Von Derau K B Von Derau Celebration Event/In honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2014 | Brooks & Vikki Herst Celebration Event/In honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2014 | Cathy Miller Celebration Event/In honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2014 | Chuck Collingwood Celebration Event/In honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2014 | David & Judy Wall In Honor of Lew Sanborn |
2014 | Dennis Wise Debby Schmidt-Wise Silver in honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2014 | Dick Myron In honor of Jerry Bourquin |
2014 | James McCarthy Celebration Event/In honor of Jerry Bourquin |
2014 | Jo Timmsen Celebration Event/In honor of Pope Valley Parachute Ranch |
2014 | Larry Stein In honor of Sandy and Brenda Reid |
2014 | Laura Johnson Celebration Event/In honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2014 | Levent Aziz Bayrasli In honor of the Sonic Brothers |
2014 | Mark & Polly Limond Celebration Event/In honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2014 | Miracle Eleven, Inc. Silver in honor of Miracle Eleven Inc.: all 11 survived a mid air collision |
2014 | Robert Finn In honor of all who jumped |
2014 | Ron Zais In honor of Jon R. Erpenbach |
2014 | Tom Kowalick Celebration Event/In honor of Dana & MK Engelstad |
2013 | Barbara Roquemore In honor of Kim Knor |
2013 | Chip Seymour In honor of Charles Seymour |
2013 | Dick Myron In honor of Kim Knor |
2013 | Jane Beard In memory of Lowell Bachman and in honor of Dori Bachman |
2013 | Jo Timmsen In honor of Pope Valley Parachute Ranch |
2013 | Larry Stein In honor of Paul and Mary Thompson |
2012 | Diane Potts Celebration Event/In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2012 | Donna Wardean-Dann In Honor of James Dann |
2012 | Edward & Toosje Potts Celebration Event/In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2012 | James Wine In honor of Ted Dragan |
2012 | Jo Timmsen In honor of Pope Valley Parachute Ranch |
2012 | Larry & Cindi Bagley In Honor of Keith, Karrie & Andy Stewart |
2012 | ParaLoft Inc. Dave DeWolf In Honor of Jerry Bird and Dan Poynter |
2012 | Richard Snyder Celebration Event/In Honor of Joe Kittinger |
2012 | Sally Mattheus In Honor of Dean Mattheus |
2011 | David & Judy Wall In Honor of Lew Sanborn |
2011 | David & Judy Wall In Honor of Bill Wood |
2011 | Diane Potts In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2011 | Donna Spillman In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2011 | Edward & Debbie Potts In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2011 | Edward & Toosie Potts In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2011 | Hedy Potts In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2011 | James & Marlene Potts In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2011 | Jo Ann & Julien Collins In honor of Dori Bachman's Birthday |
2011 | Larry & Cindi Bagley In honor of Lenny Potts |
2011 | Philip Bursley In Honor of the Pelican Skydivers |
2011 | Raymond Nagle In Honor of Lenny Potts |
2011 | Robert Gilliland In Honor of Joe Kittinger |
2011 | Terry Higgins In honor of Jacques Andre Istel |
2011 | William Haljun In honor of Dori Bachman's Birthday |
2010 | Denis McCarthy In Honor of R. Mathews |
2010 | Dick Myron In Honor of R. Mathews |
2010 | James F. Curtis In Honor of Dusty Johnson |
2010 | James & Josephine Mitchell Celebraton Event/In honor of Joe Kittinger |
2010 | Lou & Margie Fischer Celebration Event/In honor of Joe Kittinger |
2010 | Paul MacLean In Honor of R. Mathews |
2010 | Paul Tobey In Honor of Joe Kittinger |
2010 | Ray & Jane Drexler In honor of Lowell Bachman |