Solly Williams

Solly Williams first shone as a competitor and then as a coach, and is now also a Partner at Skydive DeLand, DeLand, Florida. He was National Champion of South Africa continuously from 1991 to 1997, and attended many World Meets, culminating in two international medals, in 1997. Moving to Deland, Florida, he became a renowned coach, helping to put the Norwegians on the international 4-way podium for the first time in 1999, 2001 and 2003. He coached the UK ladies’ team to World Champion in 2003, and the USA ladies to World Champion in 2016. Solly was National Champion of USA in 2003, 2004 and 2006, winning 4 international medals for the USA in this time, and a silver in 8-way.
Solly was a Sector Captain for two World Records – the 2-point 202-way in 2017 and the 4-point 222-way in 2019. In 2006, he was a co-Sector Captain for the 400-way WR and on the Technical Review Committee. He was one of the pioneers developing the Mantis position and is instrumental in rule changes at IPC (ISA). Solly has promoted the sport to millions through his organization of 50 skydivers building the largest formation over China in 2017, and Blessings from the Sky in 2018, as part of the Chinese New Year celebration.