Bobby (Spider) Wrenn

Bobby “Spider” Wrenn, D459, was deeply involved in the skydiving community from the 1960’s until his death in 2014. He served in a multitude of positions with his primary goal to always improve the freefall world. Spider served two tours of duty with the Golden Knights. The first as the USAPT’s Operations NCO, where he was instrumental in formulating and instituting many of Standard of Practices which are still in use today over five decades later. The second as the First Sergeant where he realized that relative work was the next important area of competition and moved the Team toward eight way RW among many other leadership innovations. There are four ways the Golden Knight’s can honor one of their own, Spider is the only person to ever receive all four; no other individual has received more than two.
Born: April 16, 1931
Died: April 9, 2014