JOHN P. HIGGINS (USA) made his first parachute jump in 1959 making him a true pioneer in the area of parachuting. He has made a total of 3,600 jumps. In 1964, along with two other partners, he opened “The Chute Shop” in Flemington, New Jersey. John became the sole owner in 1968 and the company name was changed to North American Aerodynamics, Inc. They were the first company to receive approval to modify the Army T-10 and Navy conical reserve to make them steerable and they were one of the first companies to receive a TSO to manufacture a sport harness/container. This first container was the “mini System”. North American Aerodynamics designed and manufactured the Jalbert Parafoil Accuracy parachute in the early 1980’s. The Parafoil remains today the most popular accuracy canopy in the world. John was awarded the Parachute Industry Association Don Beck Memorial Achievement Award in 2015.