Masters Sport Accuracy sponsored by Lee & Carol Schlichtemeier  
Rookie Sport Accuracy sponsored by Elite Rigging Academy

- Land Accurately

- And Stop

- Stand Up

All within a 30.04 meter circle!

Team format - 2 person teams
Registration for Master - $15 per person (there is no charge for Rookie)
Jumps - $33 (paid to Skydive Chicago)

2 Classes -
                 Rookie (registered for Rookie Fest)
1 jump Friday
                                  Awards during Rookie Fest

                 Master - 1 jump Friday & 2 jumps Saturday
                                Awards during the Hall of Fame Reception Saturday evening

Rules:  USPA Collegiate Rules

Scoring - Competitors will be judged on the following three tasks:

  1. Accuracy:  The distance between their first point of contact and the target center will be measured with a possible score of zero meters (dead center, 0.4 meters) to 15 meters maximum.
  2. Stand-up landing:  Failure to perform a stand-up landing will add a 15-meter penalty to the competitor's score.
  3. Landing control:  The competitor will receive a 15-meter penalty if:
    - the first point of contact is not within the 30.4 meter-diameter circle, or;
    - ​the competitor fails to contain the landing within the 30.4-meter-diameter circle.

Max Score 45
Lowest Score wins!

Register Your Team Today and Show Your DEMO Skills!


Click here to register 

Contact Marylou Laughlin to find out more.